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This is Ali Hassan

How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)

How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)
How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)

How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)

First we need Coral Draw software install coral draw in your PC then you set the size of your channel art . We make youtube channel art in pixels mainand outer size in 2560 x 1440 pixel is inner size is for desktop best view 2560 x423 pixels best for tablet view 1855 x 423 and best for mobile 1546 x 423
this is our safe view size. We set our main logo or text in 1546 x423 and our background and in main 2560 x423

How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)

How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image)

After set size in coral draw. Then make it color or background in our main size 2560 x423 
then you set your main tittle and logo in our save area that are view properly in every type of device
 1546 x 423. 
 Its our main tittle we set our main design in this part 1546 x 423. First we select the rectangular tool in coral draw and set the size in pixel in 2560 x423 after that make another rectangular tool and 1855 x 423 you can also write some text in this portartion but this text not show properly in tables, mobilephones, then you add another rectangular tool this rectangular size is 1546 x 423 this is our main tittle part. We write all main logo or tittle in this part that show properly every kind of device. So We recomand this size for text but our design background in complete background.
After making design you can make it jpg file formate. Select complete file by default this file is cdr formate but we need jpg formate select the file and press (Ctrl + E) make it jpg formate. know upload this to your channel

Thats the process we make How to make a youtube channel art (youtube cover image) 

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Thaks for your Time

Sab Sekho