Hey guys, This is Ali Hassan 

Window 11

How to download the new Microsoft Windows 11
How to download the new Microsoft Windows 11 

Here from sabsekho.co How to download the new Microsoft Windows 11 and have a look at its new features welcome back as we all know Microsoft has a series of windows versions. That are rolled out to provide the best services for its users the company has declared to release the new Windows 11 late 2021 by delivering a free update for Windows 10 users and has made 

It available on Windows insiders as an option the basic requirements for this   new version is that you must have a processor that has two or more cores   and a clock speed of one gigahertz or higher a ram of four gigabytes or more and at least 64 gigabytes storage the tmp security version of  TPM 1.2 or higher and secure boot capable support.

 Now let's have a look at the new features that come with this new Windows version Windows 11   includes some impressive new features like the ability to download and run android apps on your  Windows pc and updates to Microsoft Teams the store menu and the overall look of the software   which is more clean and mac like in design you can now access widget directly from the taskbar and personalize them to see whatever you would like also. 

We have Microsoft themes integration  Xbox tech for better gaming better virtual desktop support and easier transition from   monitor to laptop and better multitasking as the new operating system includes features called snap   groups and snap layouts which are a collection of apps you are using at once that are pinned to the taskbar and can come up or be minimized at the same time for easier task switching.

Now if you want to try for yourself and get your copy of windows 11 official ISO. We have brought you the official updated version to do so you just hit the link   below the video this will take you to our article in which you will find detailed information about this new features scroll down to the bottom.

Here you will find the links to the two ISO files the   first one is for the 64 bit and the second one is for the 32 bit the process is the same after this   so here we'll be selecting the 64 bit you can also check our guide on how to install   your Windows version from USB into your laptop or desktop good.

Let's head on to get our copy of 64-bit a new page will appear you need   to wait for a few seconds good next we need just to click on the link in here this will   get you to another button you will find here is your save link just hit it.   

This will open your download page at the top here you select your language which language of   windows you want to download here we keep the default English language and also search for files   updates will keep things as default so here we are on the build which is 22 0.65 the version will be updated regularly so no need to worry about this,

Let's hit next but good it will be provided with different options so as we said we have selected   the English language for this language we have windows home and windows pro and windows theme   you can select all these versions to be included in your ISO file, so we'll   focus just on the windows pro and hit next here it is very important so make sure you select download   and convert to ISO.

You can also download and add additional editions and convert to ISO  and the first one which is download UUP set, so it is recommended to select the second one as we want   an  ISO file here you will have the total download size the size of the iso 3 gigabytes your version.

The language and the update of the version you can also browse the list of updates   there are different updates the version and hit them and include in the package let's go back   make sure also you include updates latest updates integrate.net framework good so now we are good to go create download package well done here. 

We have to download this start 4.5 megabytes after downloading the four megabytes   zip file just head on to the download folder right click on the file and extract the name of the file   the fourth option good this will create a new folder the same name open it and here we have the cmd file this what will start.

The process and this will work with any operating   system that you have just right click on it and hit run as administrator travel the cmd file   starting downloading your ISo file so the process will take time so just be patient and wait until   it finished properly and converts your windows 11 files into an ISO file in order to boot on it.

 If you encounter any errors as it is the case in here you need to repeat the process again   and start from the beginning and if you have added other options try to uncheck them and you   can reinstall them when you update your system after installation so as we said you need to   take your time in order to download the full iso file because after downloading. 

The files the cmd   process will convert these files into an ISO file automatically install or integrate the updates   and clean up the temporary file and this may take a long period of time so just be patient   as it is the case in here so when changing from downloading to converting or creating the setup   files the cmd will change to the blue colors as it is.

How to download the new Microsoft Windows 11
How to download the new Microsoft Windows 11 

The case in here and voila so the process has   finished and it is 100 percent complete receive this message which means that your ISO file has   been created and all the temporary file has been removed and converted correctly and also we have   integrated the latest updates alright so all we need to do now is just to press 0 in order to exit   right that's it let's go and check our file.

So this one as you can see it has changed from has increased in size and voila we have a new iso file which is in there   it is almost five gigabytes it's this one ready to be installed all you need to do now is just to   create a boot pen drive or a dvd and boot from it automatically or a virtual reader to mount this version.